NSS Events

National Service Scheme (NSS) Objectives

  1. To assist the students to recognize the community in which they are working.
  2. To determine the community's needs and issues and include them in the process of finding solutions.
  3. To develop an awareness of civic and social responsibility among each other.
  4. To develop expertise in encouraging community involvement.
  5. To put into effect social peace and national integration.


Academic Year 2024-25

Tree Plantation Drive

Nasha Mukti Abhiyan

Academic Year 2023-24

Meri Mitti Mera Desh 

Medical Checkup Camp


Swachata Mohim

Tree Plantation

Amrut Kalash Event

Blood Donation Camp

Academic Year 2022-23

Blood Donation Camp

Constitution Day

Pratapgadh Swachata Mohim

Run for Unity

Tree Plantation Drive

Academic Year 2021-22

Bird Feeder

Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan


Tree Plantation

Vaccination Camp

Blood Donation Camp

Help to Sugar Cane Workers

Academic Year 2020-21

Tree Plantation Drive

Academic Year 2019-20

Help to poor peoples

Tree Plantation

Blood Donation Camp

Health Awareness Camp

Academic Year 2018-19

Blood Donation Camp

Tree Plantation